Our custom, patent-pending engineered fleet equipment cleans 2x deeper, 4x faster, and 100% eco-friendly.
Our equipment CONTROLS ILLICIT DISCHARGES with our 4-step process.
The Cleanstreak Fleet
We re-engineered the pressure washing process by inventing a fleet that eliminates the pitfalls of conventional pressure washing. We’ve raise the bar for the industry. Big time.
Our latest engineered surface cleaning machine boasts a 66” cleaning path that:
Cleans 100,000 SF/day with a consistent, deeper cleanInstantly reclaims wastewater to mitigate risk of water damage and environmental fines and reduce dry timeUses 70% less water – reclaimed wastewater is pumped back to the treatment system on our custom tractor-trailer for reuse… which brings us to that chassis…
Our mobile water treatment and pump rig delivers:
2x water flow for even faster cleaningA state-of-the-art, industrial treatment system that produces water so clean that cities award us the only vendor with a Special Permit for Discharge.Full day of run time from the 2,700 gallon tank on board. We’ve always provided all water for cleaning so you don’t have to pay for it.A crane. It has a crane on top of it. Your eyes don’t deceive you. That IS a Palfinger PSC6025 telescopic boom crane capable of lifting 2,500 lbs of dirt at 30ft. There is seriously that much dirt and contaminants that we filter off the water…