We’ve centered our business around providing our clients with unparalleled customer service in a planned, coordinated, professional manner. We’re proud of our reputation and are:

CONSISTENT – service and work quality
COMPLIANT – environmentally
CAPABLE – fast and efficient


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    Charlotte, NC – servicing the Southeast

Our Story

The idea for Cleanstreak started many years ago on a weekend when our Founder was home from college and his Dad asked him to power wash their driveway. The first half hour of power washing was fine. But the remaining eight and half hours? Not so much. Thus began an obsession…


Our founder never forgot this experience, and years later, after receiving his engineering degree, he built a new power washing prototype in his spare time. He fine-tuned his design, carefully gathered all of the parts and equipment, and built what would become the Clean Machine. After his first test, he knew he was onto something: his new power washer could clean his Dad’s driveway in a fraction of the time.

Whether it’s another driveway or a commercial parking deck, our greater power washing speed and efficiency gets passed on to you, the customer, as cost savings. And, with our founder continuously working on a new prototype, Cleanstreak’s vision of perfecting the surface cleaning process is only just beginning. We’re Power Washing, Perfected.

Here’s a video about how we started…

Original Custom Equipment – able to clean a wide area in a single pass, but no vacuum capabilities or water recycling process

Original Custom Equipmentable to clean a wide area in a single pass, but no vacuum capabilities or water recycling process

NEW Equipment – highly engineered and improved from our original model – our current machine cleans 100,000 sq ft in one day, while simultaneously reclaiming the dirty water to treat it for reuse

NEW Equipment – highly engineered and improved from our original model – our current machine cleans 100,000 sq ft in one day, while simultaneously reclaiming the dirty water to treat it for reuse

Advanced Technology and Power – our new machine (pictured left) connects to our custom tractor-trailer that’s outfitted with an industrial water treatment system, 2,700-gallon water tank supply, and more…

Advanced Technology and Power – our new machine (pictured left) connects to our custom tractor-trailer that’s outfitted with an industrial water treatment system, 2,700-gallon water tank supply, and more…

“For our properties, Cleanstreak is by far our go-to for all pressure washing needs. They go above and beyond expectations with great communication, superior service, and unbeatable rates. They exemplify the true meaning of customer service. I would highly recommend Cleanstreak to anyone seeking quality pressure washing services."
– Trinity Partners